I’m not here to show off my work. I’m here because I read a lot of books but sometimes I don’t put what I’ve read into action. Tony Robbins said (somewhere, and I’m probably butchering it), ‘If you say, I know that, when you read things, but aren’t actually doing it, then you don’t really know it.’
I’m hoping that if I write it out in bullet points and finesse it here on the site, then maybe it’ll go down deep enough to find a way to put it into action. My fear (deep down inside) is that there will be too much information and I can’t implement it as much as I should.
The book says, ‘You can’t find your voice if you don’t use it,’ and ‘in order to be found, you have to be findable.’ Yes, and yes, but…
I don’t know if I want my ‘messy middle’ (to quote Michael Hyatt, not affiliated) out there for everyone to see. People are struggling with enough as it is, I don’t want to burden them with my own issues, unless they’re the customer service personnel that actually have the answers.
Join me for the next installment here: https://peoplegettingafterit.com/thoughts-while-i-read-show-your-work-continues/